norns community
2021 - Present
norns community is a script wiki for the monome norns sound computer. Read about my redesign process here.
2021 - Present
norns community is a script wiki for the monome norns sound computer. Read about my redesign process here.
2018 - Present
Intertext is where I release my music. It is a hermitic, one-man, non-label. Intertext has no branding, no lettermark, no mission, no social media presence, no marketing strategy. This paragraph is the only “about” section that exists. Mark Fisher introduced me to the word and if you’re looking to get lost in a wormhole, I highly recommend this Wikipedia article.
2005 - Present
I started working with film in 2005 at Columbia College Chicago. After learning my way around the darkroom I started experimenting with crossprocessing and multipe exposures. This image is a manifesto of sorts: quadruple exposure, crossprocessed, no Photoshop.
I used to have a bunch of my work on Flickr. Some of terms of the latest platform ownership transfer made me uncomfortable so I took it all down. Some photos survive on the Photos page.
2023 - 2024
Klang Magazine was a bi-lingual, independent sound publication.
2021 - 2022
FLASH CRASH was a recursive livecoding online event I organized.
Coordinated Universal Time was a podcast for now. Conceived as a semiotic blitz of found sounds, field recordings, interviews, theory-crafting, science-fiction, sonic collage, and original dub techno. We only had 5 episodes but it was an incredible ride. The first episode will go down in the history books as one of my favorite pieces of work.
There are audio and video versions of each episode:
See this post for more info.
2005 - 2017
In the fall of 2009 I photographed a dozen locations spread along northeastern Illinois coastline. Most of the shots are landscapes, but this self-portrait is my favorite.
Again, this used to all be on Flickr, but some of terms of the latest platform ownership transfer made me uncomfortable so I took it down. Maybe I’ll create a gallery here on NI some day…
2004 - 2007